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  • Fix your EV spread and the Bisharp post is good to go!
    What I mean is that this
    252 HP / 252 SpAtk / 4 Spd (an example)
    should be
    252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 Spe
    Also you need to mention the reasoning behind using either nature if mentioning two.
    There, fixed it. Jolly is usually the way to go. Sorry it took me 20 minutes, I was looking at something else.
    Colonial, can you please edit your post so that it follows the OU Teambuilding format mentioned in the OP, otherwise I will have to add in the other sections and change around a lot of the wording. Thanks :)
    Grey Knight: And Venusaur was not one of those mons. He moved up to OU in Gen V and is staying there for Gen VI.
    Most top tier gen 4 UU mons , ended up ru or Nu in gen 5, forced down by the much better mons that dropped from OU during the dp OU to BW OU transition .
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