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Sup man, we play for UU open. I'm GMT+8, and if it's fine by you, I'd rather we play during the weekend, since my weekdays are extremely packed. Saturday morning, Saturday night, and Sunday morning your time would be best.
So, uh this is awkward but we play for uu open. I honestly might need an extension for this round if you're ok with it, if not lmk. I move back into college at the end of this week and I got no clue how my friday through weekend is gonna be time wise cause i also have to move my brother in. I'm gmt -4 btw. Also why'd it have to be you ;w;
Hey, just want to say, in the SM UU speed tier thread, you Have Necrozma as reaching 257 speed with a + speed nature and max EVs when it actually reaches that with a nature that does not boost it's speed. Just thought you might wanna change that