craing ;_;
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  • hey dude, appreciate you taking your time to give your insight on the analyses, i will try to edit everything you pointed out but just so you know, you should be able to edit yourself if you feel like it. also best of luck in ost!
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    someone's gotta do it, i'm just doing this because i'm bored and am annoyed by the lack of initiative. do keep up the good work, hopefully we get this done before sword and shield come!
    yeah having someone as experienced as you look over them is for very helpful to keep them up to date before SS comes out. i think jordy's already implementing most of the stuff but i will try to implement what he can't :)
    ost, gmt -4 and hella busy with school during the week so would prefer weekend, saturday works best for me
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    just letting you know i might be a bit late so sorry in advance
    Indigo Plateau
    Indigo Plateau
    np, just try to be there by 7 pm -4 latest since I committed to going out to an event at 9 pm
    Indigo Plateau
    Indigo Plateau
    hey I know you said you were gonna be a bit late, wanna play an hour and 12 minutes from now? prolly would be best for both of us so I can do some hw in the meantime
    yo we play friday 5 pm gmt-7, end of story
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    dude u read my mind cu then
    Sike u wanna play tn if our game still matters
    We meet again. I'm EST and ik you're PST. I'd prefer to play Friday night (perhaps sometime between my 9-11:30pm, but might be able to be more flexible). If this does not work, the same time Thursday night probably works, too.
    I cannot play Mon-Tues for sure and Wednesday I am scheduled for a lot of other tours + have family dinner, so I'd like to avoid then. Saturday I'm unsure of when I can play. Sunday I can play whenever I get back to school (5pm bus, 2.5 hours long, could be an hour or so late/hit traffic, so probs anytime after 9pm until midnight).
    Hey, u ready for round 2 I'm GMT and my discord is Chao Su#9332 . what day are you looking at ?
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    next weekend or the weekend after im free, so the 16th 17th 23rd or 24th are good for me preferably during my afternoon to evening. im gmt-7, also i've sent you a friend request just message me on discord what times are best for you and i'll try to accomodate.
    Hi, we gotta play for SPL. Won't be able to do it on Sunday, is it fine for you to play on my Sat afternoon/evening but not too late? Im GMT+1
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    oops i just realized when i scheduled that 12am-2pm was referencing my timezone which is 9 hours behind so it would be 9pm-11 pm for you. is that still doable?
    can I hit you on Discord? its prolly gonna be easier like that haha
    9-11pm for me is too late today hm. Can you do It tomorrow at my 16-17h?
    saturday evening +1 around 8-9 pm, lmk if it works.
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    is there a possibility we can reschedule for tomorrow at the same time? i'm not sure i can make it today, but ill probably be a bit late
    how late will u have the chance to join more or less
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    im here now if you're still available, but i'd rather move it to tmrw if you can
    We play for SPL. I am GMT-5 and can play during the following ranges: Thursday from 7pm until 11pm, Friday from noon-4pm, Friday from 7pm-11pm, and probably Saturday from 11am-2pm. I cannot play on Sunday as of now, but I may be able to make time on Saturday night after my dinner or Wednesday night if you let me know very soon. Lmk what works ASAP as I may make plans for the other periods since its my last week home.
    craing ;_;
    craing ;_;
    saturday night after your dinner seems ideal, i'll update you if anything comes up prior to that and vice versa. see you then.
    Ok, I should be able to play anytime from like 8 or 9pm until 11pm. I cannot start a game after 11pm though. See you then!
    Just a reminder: I cannot play on Sunday at all as of right now. I will be on for the entire range I mentioned in the above VM on Saturday, so let's get it done then because I would like to avoid anything activity related if possible. If there's any issues, lmk whenever you can. Thanks and good luck
    Okay so my team tells me you'll john tf out of me if I don't do this so here we go:
    You wanted to play me at 3 AM after r1 got posted, I obviously wasn't ready to play then because it was too late for me already.
    I asked you to play Sunday evening and you said you'd still need time to prep. Therefore we agreed on playing Tuesday my evening but we didn't agree on a time. I then asked you for a time Tuesday @ 3:30 pm
    You didn't reply until past midnight. And when I tried to set a time for the next day you were offline already. I told you earlier already that I do not wanna play on Friday / Saturday my evening. So if you can't make it tomorrow at EXACTLY 6 PM GMT +1 then I would be in a dumb situation although I have been ready to play the past 3-4 days already and been online a lot. However if you are not in time tomorrow then
    I can still play Sunday at 10 PM GMT +1 or around 1-4 PM Sunday noon.
    Looking forward to our match!
    Hi we play for snake, gmt+2, would sunday my evening work? (around 8-11pm) If not lmk quickly please
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