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  • Hiii, I loved your Torn-T RMT and also your humor. do you have a youtube channel?
    Ayo brother really appreciate it, glad you liked the humour too lmao, I do not but tbh I’ve been thinking of making one for the longest time, so I actually might consider making one , if I do I’ll reply to this with the link :) appreciate the encouragement my guy
    you should definetly start on. i will be the first one subbing
    Hahaha thank you brother thank you , it really means a lot , appreciate you
    Hi, you RTM with the torn-T was pretty good! Haven't you considered to use a Meowscarada choice bander?
    Yo , thank you brother , I have not! But I don’t necessarily think it would be better than HDB, just because my team doesn’t have hazard control , and so meeoscarada would constantly be taking rocks + spikes chip , so it wouldn’t really be able to function that well as a pivot , but I guess it would also hit so much harder , so definitely could try it !
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