Demon Queen
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  • soaks your pfp with apple juice and wrings her out like a wet sock
    Demon Queen
    Demon Queen
    What sort of sound would it make if you threw it against the wall do you think
    mimik :3
    mimik :3
    Very squishy tomato squish sound on contact followed by a cartoonish sliding down glass sound as it slowly falls to the ground concluding in a strange yelp
    How many till ttc
    Demon Queen
    Demon Queen
    It's 30 right? I think I'm there I'm just too lazy to deal with it.
    Murphy Lawden
    Murphy Lawden
    Yea you are above thirty
    Murphy Lawden
    Murphy Lawden
    Idk when I contacted ut for the ttc he just checked something and I got the badge I didn't have to give all posts to him
    c'mon man, why you gotta torture me like this

    (i was that guy on ladder who kept running into you at low-ladder)
    Demon Queen
    Demon Queen
    which guy I feel like I've seen a lot of those guys
    Dead by Daylight
    Dead by Daylight
    the guy who said "please stop torturing me" (i think it was on like nduu9hands 3d)
    Demon Queen
    Demon Queen
    sorry lol but I myself have been continually farmed by the same alts so it felt nice being on the other end
    i would just like to say:

    ur my goat, stand on binzz :100-emoji: :100-emoji: :fire:

    frickin respond
    Demon Queen
    Demon Queen
    yeah!!!!! wooo!!!!! yipee!! woo!!!!! yea!!!
    worst responce of all time
    based azumanga fan
    Demon Queen
    Demon Queen
    "Now I am become Azumanga, Daioh of worlds" -Ayumu Kasuga, mother of the Sata Andagi
    LMFAOO i remember when she dropped this iconic line
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