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  • Hello I'm your match for pu open round 2. My time zone is central timezone and current my gmt is gmt-4 cause of daylight savings. You seem to be from french tho I'm available 9 am to 9 pm for mostly every day. If you want to work out any specific date just tell with simple nice message. Have a good day.
    hi, we're paired in lc but yeah we have to play. I can play all this week end, available 9am to 9pm too but gmt +4. Saturday 10am in youre time ?
    Rex Slayer
    Rex Slayer
    oops i meant lc My brain gets foggy sometimes and must of got pu in my head from the bottom reply from CBU sorry about that. Also yes I can work with saturday 10 am my time as that works with you.
    Yo i'm in the french room, pm when ready
    PU open, my gmt is -3, would prefer to play on a weekend or if weekday from 4-6 PM my time/ 9-11 PM or something in my morning after 10 AM with a time set
    Hey, matched for RU Open, I'm GMT+2 and I'm available between 9 am and 8 pm my time. When do you want to play ?
    Salut, on va parler français si ça te gêne pas :]
    Je suis dispo samedi toute la journée, mais je suis gmt +4 perso. Je te laisse choisir l'heure, mais si ça pouvait se faire entre 10h et 18h (donc entre 8h et 16h pour toi) ça m'arrangerait. Sinon samedi de la semaine prochaine, mêmes horraires
    Samedi 16h ça m'a l'air good
    Vazy ça roule, samedi 16h gmt +2
    Salut, je tombe contre toi pour le RU open, tu veux qu'on joue quand ?
    Je pars en vacances du 12 au 20.
    Bah perso je suis en vacances atm, mais je peux trouver un temps pour jouer. Essaie de me choper sur discord au pire
    Le Sabreur
    Le Sabreur
    ok, je pars demain donc on je vais demander une extention
    Hey we must play for UU open. When will you be available?
    a little busy this week :/
    Is next week ok for you ?
    Ye ofc
    We must play from today to Wednesday so let's do it tomorrow night, please.
    hey i'm your opp for the bh teamtour
    i'm online within a rounding error from 24/7, but probably more specifically from like 11 am eastern to 9 pm eastern today, tomorrow
    really most days now i just got out of school
    ps! name is same as here
    alright man i really need a day. it's been 3 since you said you needed to build and i haven't heard a word from you.
    BH tour r1 I'm on pretty much anytime from 1:00-8:00 PM (PDT/GMT-7) from mon-fri. Just hit me up so whenever you're on
    quand es tu dispo pour l'ICFT ? Je peux surtout demain mais imo ce sera just lol et Jeudi sinon on peut s'arranger je pense dans la semaine.
    Après près de 3 ans de PS! et 1 an de strat, je trouve enfin un joueur sérieux sur Montpellier. GG.
    uu open r2 I'm free basically all day tmrw / Sunday and I can play after 5pm my time today as well. im gmt -7 so just let me know what works
    hey, i'm gmt +1 and i'll be on this week end, check the french/NU room
    Hi! we are paired for uu open r1. When is a good time for you? Also what rooms are you usually in on ps, i can try to find you there.
    Hey ! gmt+1 here. I'm on the french and NU room, can't play tonight but tomorrow it's okey
    We're matched in DPP NU Cup When do you want to play? I'm Gmt+10
    Hi, GMT+1 here. I can play during the week, I'm in the french room
    Haven't seen you, I need a concrete time so we can fight by tomorrow. Are you able to come on today?
    I waited all day but I havent seen you :/ I cant wait any longer, its 3AM.
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