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  • Oh man, the forum somehow never alerted me that you requested a mon! Sorry about that, you got the right Ambipom now!
    Hi! I have an egg that matches your gen 6 TSV of 1026.
    Could you hatch it please?

    Egg: Igglybuff (♀) - Bold - Competitive - - Dragon [1026]
    Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't trade you the 5IV Dhelmise! If you still want it, we could organize another trade.
    Is it missing Special Attack? That is okay, because I am planning to use physical moves for that one only. My second request is Vulpix. Thanks for hosting this giveaway.
    Did you send the ferroseed for my Phantump on GTS in your giveaway?
    Yes, I did. But the IGN is Budder, not pokemaster12345. I assumed Budder was you.
    Oh sorry! Got mixed up there! n_n Thx for the Ferroseed!
    Thanks for notifying me. I will try asking this user. The only sources I checked for TSV is Smogon's list and the SVExchange on reddit.
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    You're welcome! I just traded with them so they should hopefully still be around haha. Good luck!
    Hey, I can trade now for the next 2 hours. If not we can set up a time tomorrow. I got an extra shiny Ralts that I just bred and got someone to hatch it on Reddit (I got 2 matches) that I just want to give out. Hope you will like it.
    Hey I can trade from now and will be online for about 30 minutes. If not I'll be on later. Maybe about 5 PM EST? I know you said you'd do it for free, but do you want a Cyndaquil with decent IVs? Good for breeding.
    I am online and can trade now. I already got the Ferroseed from someone else. So you can just give me one of you breeding rejects you mentioned.
    Thank you so much!
    You are welcome.
    Hi! If you still need your TSVs checked I can help out. All I need is a Pokemon with the OT of the games you want checked. I'll then log off to check the values (should only take a few minutes) and then post the results back here. Just let me know if you want the Pokemon back and if you'll need to switch games :)
    I despoit a larviatar lev 1 and ask for a female lev 1-10 shellder
    Gts message is your username dk165
    Lmao :D ok i despoit eevee male
    Sent! The Shellder is missing a Sp. Def. IV, so you may want to breed it again.
    It all good I got it cover thanks
    I have a lot of honedge one them has iv on attack speed defense and spD
    I cant seem to get perfect sp.atk or spD.:p
    If you cannot get a 31/31/31/31/31/xx Quiet nature Honedge, it is OK. I can breed one myself since I have 6 IV Ditto.
    Ok bro sorry about that i have plenty of 6iv dittos but probaly breeding honedge wrong
    Sent your Thundurus, please cross out your request
    Sent the Groudon, please cross out your request :D
    Sent the Xerneas, please cross out your request :P
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