Down By VI
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  • Hey we are paired for adv draft, I'm +5:30 and can do any of Friday, Sat or Sun evenings this week not sure about my availability next week so will have to confirm later, but lemme know what works!
    hi rdb round 3, im in gmt+8 and when would you have time for that. I should be free at night my time during work days and almost all day during weekend
    Down By VI
    Down By VI
    Could potentially have to be an hour after; but we will see.
    that should work for both of us
    Down By VI
    Down By VI
    Heads up; you can take the win. Been feeling sick today; way too tired to compete and I need to sleep. Apologies
    Hi there. We are paired for round 2 of Low tier draft. Do you have a preference on when you would like to play. My tz is -4.
    Down By VI
    Down By VI
    And I am feeling better now; thanks for asking!
    Down By VI
    Down By VI
    Heads up mate: You can take the win. Some family issues came up suddenly that I have to take care of; can't battle. I'm really sorry.
    Dr. Geo
    Dr. Geo
    I am sorry to hear that. All the best!
    Hello there, could not find you on discord, we are up for the summer seasonal. I'm gmt+2, when are you free for the match?
    Down By VI
    Down By VI
    Oh my discord is dbs. for future reference! I'm GMT-7

    I'm available all of Thursday essentially.
    Friday before 4pm my time.
    Saturday is free.
    Sunday after 2pm is free.
    We meet again! This time for SS NatDex. Since I stay up late I can easily accommodate your timezone since I'm 8 hours ahead. I'm free every day after work late evening/early morning BST so just let me know which day works best
    Down By VI
    Down By VI
    Saturday would be perfect for me. If Midnight your time fits, that would be perfect!
    Sounds good to me! I'll see you then!
    Heya, I'm on main, send a challenge to Deranged_Lime when ready
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