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  • Hi we're paired for dpp ssnl, I'm GMT+2 and won't be very available for this week up until August 10th, sorry :/

    Would you be fine with playing on the 10th or 11th either afternoon my time or evenings after 10pm?
    tenemos que jugar rcop, cuando te viene bien? soy gmt +2
    Hola, voy a ir de sub asi que hay que esperar a que Lutra apruebe los cambios, mi capitan no pudo darle la lineup porque no sabiamos si pasabamos de fase
    Hey! When do you wanna play for roa olympics? I'm GMT+2 Does some time on Saturday work? Like 6 pm my time? (If not, please make a proposal)
    Okay. Let's do Saturday 4 pm your time (9 pm my time) then. I'll be on ruins of alph on PS.
    As a back-up time (don't wanna do it, but just to have a back-up in case something goes wrong), I'd propose Saturday 7 pm your time.Is that okay?
    Yes! Its ok, lets play saturday
    Hi! I can play now if u want... but if you can't, lets play at the time we agreed
    Hi! When do you want to play for RoA olympics? I'm GMT+2
    Sorry mate, i was sick in bed all day, i can play tomorrow, i going to be in my house at 5pm at argentina hour.I hope you can understand :)
    Np, dw. 5pm your time also works for me
    Im here o/
    Mi padre fumó toda su vida. Un día mi mamá le dijo: ''Si quieres ver a tu hijo graduarse debes parar''. 3 años mas tarde murió de cáncer de pulmón. Mi mamá me dijo ''No fumes, no hagas pasar a tu familia por lo mismo''. Hasta el día de hoy nunca he tocado un cigarrillo. Debo decir que ahora me estoy lamentando, porque verte jugar pokemon me dio cáncer de todos modos.
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