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  • Hello! I too am your opponent for ADV GC this week. I'm -5 and earlier in the week is preferred or Sunday. The earliest I can play is 4pm-5. What works for you?
    Hello, we are playing for ADV GC. I'm -5 and would prefer evenings my time if that is possible. What times work for you?
    SS tour, -3 here, when ya good to go?
    sorry I didn't get notified for this, how'd 5 pm Sunday your time sound
    looks like we have each other this week for ADV Winter OU. What day/time works best for you?

    I (GMT -6) am in main smogcord and official advcord, have a reasonably flexible schedule.
    how about saturday 1pm (-5), would that work for you?
    yeah, see you then
    Hello ! We have to play for the SS winter tell me on what day and at what time can we play. I'm gmt +1 ,Have a nice day
    do you want to reschedule
    or you can just take the act win if you want, seeing as i missed the schedule time
    it annoys me, but i think i'm going to take the act win
    hi, we play for dou kickoff tour. im gmt+1, would you be able to play tonight (anywhere in the next 6 hrs from now) or tomorrow?
    hi i just saw this, still within 6 hours so can you play
    although its cool if we schedule for tmrw as well
    ok, im gonna get off now, but im free from 12-18 your time tmrw so just message me when you wanna play before then
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