E4 Flint
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    ▄░▐░░░▄▄░█░▀▀ U HAVE BEEN SPOOKED BY THE
    ░░░░░░▐▌▀▄▀▄▀▐▄SPOOKY SKILENTON
    ░░░░░█░░░░░░░░░░▐▌SEND THIS TO 7 OTHER PEOPLE OR BE EATED
    i am a pikachuun. i haev a bad play style and i jerk people to death like mjb w/ my stall. if you don't repost this comment on 10 other pages i will make a mess of your balance and ho.
    I am Geno. I have a 45-0 record against Asterat and I pick Kit out of her boredom w/ my lies. If you don't post this on 10 profiles I'll come back to the the OM room and use Adrians team against you
    I am Adrian Marin. I have a 45-0 record and I pick BH noobs out w/ my stall. If you don't post this on 10 profiles I'll come back to the BH ladder and stall you to 900 turns.
    So help me god if you allow me to go to stall you will never hear the end of it lol
    E4 Flint
    E4 Flint
    gonna save you for last if it gets down to it to mantain the suspense lel
    I am a heron. i haev a long neck and i pick fish out of the water w/ my beak. if you dont repost this comment on 10 other pages i will fly into your kitchen tonight and make a mess of your pots and pans
    Mold Breaker and hazards were separate and not necessarily the same point, just saying
    E4 Flint
    E4 Flint
    I bundled them together so that I wouldn't have to talk about Magic Bounce basically, it was long enough already :p
    You'll be happy to know that I will be using Sucker Punch Yveltal from now on, to hell with Gengars using moves just to beat it! :)
    nice offense m8
    lol adrian suks too scared to take on electrify gengar lmao noob
    When you see this, hopefully you'll remember me. Unless I'm thinking of someone else. Skype. Dark type E4.
    E4 Flint
    E4 Flint
    Probably someone else man
    Yo stop double posting
    E4 Flint
    E4 Flint
    Can't tell if serious, but if so, Sorry, I just get these things in waves, or I'm replying to someone else. I'll try to keep it in fewer posts
    I am 67% serious on average everywhere on the site except Firebot, where I am about 13% serious.

    These are very advanced calculations, as you can probably tell.
    E4 Flint
    E4 Flint
    lol.. still can't tell so okay i'll keep it in mind just to be safe.
    Won the LC BH tourney over Klang! Wish more people participated in it.
    Darumaka will have his revenge.
    E4 Flint
    E4 Flint
    Go away darum. Noone likes you
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