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  • Oh wow, I can't believe I totally missed your birthday. Happy belated birthday xP
    Yes, I had a "mini party" with all my friends and my family at my house. Dinner, music, huggs hahaha and I receive some cute gifts. It was a really nice day.
    The best gift was my Livier, she visited me on my birthday, aww, I cried :')
    rufus drumknott
    rufus drumknott
    Aww, that's so nice! I'm so glad you had such a nice day. I hope the rest of your time being 18 will be just as swell <3
    Yep, I hope so too. Thank you, Rufus! <3
    Well, I have to go, I had already my monobattle now it's homework time.
    Hope you are ok, Rufus! :)
    Hey Eevee we are matched up against eachother I will be on basically all week msg me when your are ready to battle with your Fc
    OK, sending request. Good luck and enjoy! (:
    Fun battle was really close had alot of fun :_)
    Gosh! I was so lucky, when you beated my Diggersby I said "I lost" T__T Fortunately Heliolisk didn't faint with the Drain Punch, ahhh. It was really fun :D
    GG! :)
    Oh hey! I knew I recognized that avatar on the members page.

    Happy Birthday! ^^
    Yay! It's my birthday :D
    Thank you, Xen! n_n

    And thanks again for the Tyrunt! :D
    You're welcome. Hope you have a good day! ^^
    Yep, it was a very nice day :D
    Hey, darling :D I was thinking of buying a Powersaves and I wanted to ask, is this the one that you use?
    Hey there, Eevee would you happen to have an NA Diancie code lying around?If yes, CMT for it :).On another note, why don't you make a trade thread?
    Hello, Arhan!
    Sorry, I don't have a Diancie code :( the website who distributed them is out. If I get one I'll give it you for free.
    About open a thread, I'd like it but my FC list is full, I only have people I know so I don't want to erase anyone, maybe I buy a new 3DS soon, If I buy it I think I'll open a thread. In addition, I have no time because of school, so it's hard at the moment.
    Hey there, been a while since we've had an opportunity to talk! How are you doing lately? You seem to be online almost all the time these days ^^
    Btw, can you help me clone my Diglett again please?
    OMG, that's wonderful *u* awww.
    Teacher Rufus? Miss Rufus? hahaha. So cute <3
    You're welcome, Rufus. Let me know if you need help and good luck in your job. Hope you are ok. <3
    rufus drumknott
    rufus drumknott
    They all call me Teacher, but with my real name, of course. They are really cute, I love them all :D Same to you, and good luck when you go to school too!
    Oww, that's really nice. Have fun, it's really good when you love what you do. And well, I am ready for a new semester :D (Business Administration, Economy... money money money ♫ hahaha). Thank you!! :D
    For thet ability capsule... I can only get to my game in around 8-9 hours... Would that be ok?
    hey I got an egg matching your SV, would you mind hatching it for me please? I'm on PST, let me know what times are best for you, thanks
    Hey Eevee, can you do me a quick cloning session?9 shinies for a trade in which I will be getting 3 Gen 3 RNGs(yea, I am really lucky.)
    Hello there again!I need another Batch of pokemon cloned for another batch of gen 3 RNGs Thomaz is doing me, can you help me?It is 9(8 shinies and 1 non shiny pokemon)
    Sorry, I can't. My laptop is turn off and it's bed time :/
    I can help you in 12 hours or so, tomorrow is going to be a busy day.
    Ok, I will just find someone else to do it for me.:)
    Sorry for the late reply, just saw your message, was having a cup of tea. Thank you, I'll come online now ^^
    Hehe, you're welcome, Rufus!
    I'm doing a back up, I'll be on in a moment :)
    rufus drumknott
    rufus drumknott
    I can't repay you for what a great help you are to me, darling <3
    Oww! You are so cute, Rufus <3
    It's ok, helping my friends is my favorite hobby :)
    Hello there :D Sorry to keep asking for your help like this, I feel like I'm just mooching off you, but do you have time to clone a shiny Magikarp for me please? I'd like 4 copies+the original if possible, and of course you can keep a copy! You know, if you kept a copy of all the shinies I asked you to clone for me, I could conceivably just ask people to talk to you if they ever wanted my shinies haha
    I'm ready, going on again in a moment. I did a copy of Solosis, Reuniclus is so cute *u*
    rufus drumknott
    rufus drumknott
    ikr? Favourite blobs. Enjoy him, and thanks again for the help <3
    You're welcome, Rufus! Thanks for Solosis too <3
    Hey there, friend! Can you clone eggs?
    rufus drumknott
    rufus drumknott
    I'll probably asked them cloned on the weekend, I know lots of people are still enjoying Christmas right now ^^ And there's no need! I have some flawless nicknameable shinies and I wanted to give those away :)
    Ok, just let me know if you need something :)
    I'm going to sleep, I'll work on my Porygon tomorrow. Bye, Rufus!! Hope you are ok <3
    rufus drumknott
    rufus drumknott
    Alright, goodnight, sleep tight <3
    Hi, I'm messaging you on behalf of Jebus. I have a few of his pokes that I need cloned to replace the ones he lost with his game. His pokes are fully redist so you're welcome to keep a copy of each of them as payment.
    You were still in my friends list too. :) I'll keep an eye out for you.
    I'll be on for the next thre hours so if you can trade, tell me and I'll get on :)
    I didn't know you were on I just happend to be leveling up some o powers. If I was on my other game I could have given you some better pokemon. :p Thanks for the assistance!
    You're welcome! :)
    And, it's ok. you didn't have to give anything in return.
    Hey there! I do still need a Dream Ball HA Nidoran if you can spare time to breed me one :D Please let me know if there's something I can get you in return! (PS I'm arranging a time with the hatcher for your Buneary right now, they should be able to do it pretty soon.)
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