Emerald Master
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  • Are you Emerald Sands on Pokemon Showdown?
    Emerald Master
    Emerald Master
    No, I Emerald Master on Pokemon Showdown. There are so many people there, some are bound to have similar names.
    I would love to have a discussion with you. Why do you believe in God? A plain and simple question, but it holds great value.
    Emerald Master
    Emerald Master
    I could give you my scientific reasoning, or explain my logic, because science and logic do point to God's existence, but the reason I personally believe in God is because He has proven Himself active in my life. I couldn't count the number of times that God has answered my prayers in surprising ways (now, sometimes the answer is no, but I believe that He has my best interest at heart, so His "no" is just as good as His "yes")
    That's a really interesting viewpoint — thank you! Most people result to a quick backlash of "You can't prove that He isn't real!" So that was a nice response and I really appreciate it.
    Emerald Master
    Emerald Master
    thank you. It's actually impossible to prove God's existence. One can only look at the evidence and figure out what's most likely. I wholeheartedly believe in God, not only because I see the evidence of Him, but because by Him I understand many other things that I would never know on my own
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