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  • Oh, this is going to be one of those tricky ones to setup lol. Um 7PM for you is 4AM for me which isn't very ideal. Would perhaps a 12AM for you and a 9AM for me on a weekend or something be able to work out? I'm not sure how much you like to stay up and how comfortable you feel about doing things at midnight.
    Alright, I'm playing you for the UPL. What times are the most convenient for you? I'm on vacation til next Monday so I'm pretty available. I'm also GMT +1.
    today is the deadline, i will be on at 2:00, 4:00, and 6:00 PM Pacific Time, to try and get this game done. If you can play at a certain time, please message me.
    Emily, can we play at 4 PM tomorrow or wednesday? Please respond, we need to get this done
    Hey emily, we play for the Ubers Premier League. I live on the US Pacific Coast, Gmt -7, and I can play anytime after 3:00 on weekdays, or pretty much anytime on weekends. Please let me know when you are availible
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