Epic M
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  • hi we're paired for triforce tour, im +5.30 and can play most of the day throughout the week. when can you play?
    Epic M
    Epic M
    I'll be on smogtours wednesday at 11 AM my time

    99.9% sure this time x)
    Epic M
    Epic M
    didn't see you :-(
    Epic M
    Epic M
    I can plaaay from 2 PM to 11 PM today if you want to battle
    J'vais surement in avec Oro pour le TriForce Tour, tu veux pas jouer les bouche-trous pour le BW? :noel:
    Epic M
    Epic M
    Je sais pas jouer BW, et je vais surement jouer avec foxy et red
    when do you want to have our match for hydreigon cup? i'm gmt +8
    Epic M
    Epic M
    I'm available tomorrow from 1-2PM my time if it's ok for you
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