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  • Hey man, same deal as before, you're my only friend online on the PSS, could you help me do a trade from my Y to you then to my X? I wanna get my Charizardite X back my old game lol
    cant say
    cant say
    Ah ok, well if you figure it out let me know so I can make a good first impression haha
    cant say
    cant say
    I'd do it now but I'm just gonna go smash some bug catchers with Char-X and call it a night
    fair enough, it's probably too fucking late anyway lol. night man
    Hey, you're my only friend online on the PSS atm, do you mind helping me trade evolve my Porygon>2>Z? It's just a random one for dex completion, would really appreciate it :)
    I'm doing screens offense, not using Ho-oh because imo it's just Talonflame 2.0 and you probably know my stance on Talonflame already ._.

    My lineup is Klefki/Ludicolo/MVenusaur/MMewtwo Y/Arceus-Normal/Heatran.
    cant say
    cant say
    ah now I see, yeah Ho-oh would do some work against you. apart from that though it looks pretty solid! looks like you've got Darkrai and weather covered nicely. I would just look out for that dreaded Darkrai + Persian lead. That alone is what's got me stumped...
    I'm hoping that Klefki/Ludicolo will win that matchup. I can just Safeguard first turn and if Persian Fakes Out Klefki I can just land my own Fake Out on Darkrai. But yeah, it doesn't give me a look of choice in lead if I see it...
    Hey on CAP typing poll, I think you need to edit your post to make it Poison/Electric instead of Electric/Poison. I may be completely wrong but I don't think it will be counted if you keep it as it is
    I'll go change it, thanks for the heads up :)
    I had it written as Poison/Electric :s
    Oh! Sorry bout that then :3
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