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  • In your Gengar post in the reserach thread, you give it Choice Scarf even though the set name is Choice Specs. Oh, and do slash Trick on Choiced Gengar as it can cripple Chansey or Toxapex.
    Add a Ghostium Z set too.
    hmm i'm not too sure how the ghostium z set really works tbh...never used it
    Yo you still have a reservation for Landorus in the What's His Last thread that's unfinished. Voting's going up soon so if you want it to be eligible you should finish it :o
    Don't worry I'm gonna give the reasoning! I had to just leave it like that so I could fix the formatting.
    hey if you haev school or something to focus on, don't worry about weekly research (or smogon stuff in general, honestly). it's totally understandable !!!
    bro post the sets for your core of msab skarm and starmie on the good cores page.
    feel free to suggest weekly research mons either by editing them in your post on the thread, or by simply posting on my wall. i can't guarentee that i'll follow them, but i will keep them in mind !
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