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  • Hey when would you like to play for nu crown tundra cup tour? we have to play before wednesday, i'm free anytime between now and then
    hey, we're matched for uupl, how available are you during the weekend? I'm est if that helps
    I'm free all of Thursday and Sunday but Friday/Saturday (well I can do Saturday morning I guess..) is no good for me. Pretty sure we're the same time zone so let me know what works for you. I'm also free this afternoon/evening.
    Morning or afternoon for you? I could make, say, thursday 7:00 pm gmt+1 or up to around 11:00 pm gmt+1 as well, although I like more around 7:00 pm gmt+1 if it doesn't make difference to you
    Oh, I received a call today and had a medical appointment changed to tomorrow around the time we scheduled. Can we change it to Saturday? Or if you're on mIRC maybe I can catch you during the night too

    And sorry >_>
    When do you wanna play for SPL? I'm GMT-2 and free any day during the afternoon/evening
    you would have an iphone. and play pokemon in a coffee shop. I am here and on irc hopefully you come soon~
    I talked with MarceloDK and MDragon and they'd do what they could to fix it. Apparently, if you have a spotty connection the server might decide you're a spambot. I still can't access ATQ though.

    I'm probably free this evening - check for me on IRC.
    Hey - The Dove Shack is currently not up on The Registry, and I haven't been able to sign on to ATQ/Global Casino for about a month, I'm kicked out immediately. Do you know any other servers that we can play on?
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