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  • we play for random doubles open. I'm GMT - 5.
    let me know when you'd be available
    Yeah can we do 5pm my time today? That's in 1 hour from now
    sure that sounds good. i'll see you then
    Allright I'm online right now. Send me challenge. My name is Everybo-D
    Hey, I saw your convo, but schedule here so the host can see. Im gmt+8, whe nplay
    just a heads up. Tomorrow will be the last stated day of availability (thursday 2am-2pm gmt+8) pls let me know what time you'll be on. If not we can try work something for saturday
    kk. lets play tomorrow my morning from around like 7-9am
    ok thats in 5 hours. C u in showdown. My name will be Everybo-D
    Hi, we have to play for UU Open. I'm GMT -4, and weekend is best for me
    How many uu opponents do i have lmao.

    Sorry i can't do this anymore I'll just give you the free win
    we have to play for UU open im gmt +2 tell me when i can play everyday :)
    sorry fren i forgot this
    can we still play? if we can, tell me when
    Im sorry im gonna step down and give you the free W. I've got stuff keeping me busy
    Yo we are playing each other for nu open r2. My time is gmt +0. I can play almost anytime from 10am to around 10pm my time on Thursday. Anytime between that work for u?
    Any specific time? Im on rn but you are offline on your showdown acc. Is there any specific time today or tomorrow because idk what times I can do today because i have stuff to do but im free nearly all of tomorrow so a specific time would be nice
    Hows 11am - 6 pm hawaii time sound?
    Sorry, i couldnt do those times cause thats like midnight to 7am here but I can be on from 10am to 10pm both today and tomorrow. I'll come on periodically between those times to check if you are online but, if you can do any specific times between that time range today or tomorrow, I will definitely come on to play at the time given
    hey,I saw your PM but was told we'd better schedule on profile page. I'm in gmt +8 so only two hours apart. I can play at 8-11 pm or 1-4 pm my time everyday,(except my july 27th) let me know if those work.
    Hi there, I'm your Mattapod Tour opponent for this week. Think you'll be able to do our battle?

    I'm on GMT +8 so I don't think I'll be able to meet you on your time until the weekend since I'm working during the day.
    You can also find me on the Smogon Battlespot Discord at as Meu if you want to try catching me in real time.
    Hey there. You're my opponent for the Wifi Tournament this week. I'm still in the process of making my team, so I probably won't be ready for a bit, but what would be a good time for you to do our battles?
    Hello! :) We were paired for week 3 of the Alolan Wifi Tour. I can play this weekend at night if you want, just let me know, please.
    GG! :)

    Yes, also you should have used hi jump kick with your Tsareena on Kartana.
    I didn't have that. It was a wall tsareena made to combat kokos.
    You made great bluffs I thought you had a choice item on 3 mons XD
    Ohh, no, only Salazzale is scarf, I use it to beat Lele. I don't like to play singles, building a team is really complicated.
    hey we are matched up for the wifi tour. when can you battle? im gmt-5 and around most of the time between 10am-midnight
    I can do 12:15 p.m. your time? Also what happened to my last opponent
    W8 saw the update
    hey you online? I'm ready
    can you please choose a time suitable with my availability, no way i can play at 3 or 5 am my time
    yo we're paired for no stab tour i'm gmt+2 and can play afteroon and evening almost everyday
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