EZ Target
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  • When do you want to play our matches for random doubles? I am in UTC−04:00 and free most days from 12:00 PM to 10:00 PM my time.
    EZ Target
    EZ Target
    Hi sorry for missing your message. I'm GMT +1. Could we play between 12 pm and 6pm your timezone. Today or tomorrow. (Even Sunday)
    Sunday at around 1 PM my time would work the best for me if you can do that still.
    EZ Target
    EZ Target
    Sounds good. See you then
    We paired for the unscrupulous tiering director tournament. I'm GMT + 1, and I can play this week end from 10 AM to 7 PM my time.
    When can you play ?
    Anno nyme
    I can't rly play before the week-end, sry, I'm on smogon with my tablet, and playing with it is just awful.
    EZ Target
    EZ Target
    sunday 6pm ?
    Anno nyme
    It's a perfect time.
    I'll be on PS as Anno-nyme or somthing like this.
    Man we keep missing each other, Hope I catch you on this evening...
    Leave a message on IRC pls when you're on, that way I know you're on-line for sure!
    Hey! still on? Let's battle now! Sorry, was making dinner.
    EZ Target
    How do we keep missing each other... I'm sorry I was and still am eating. Come on IRC so I can PM you, leave your username here in a comment though.
    Are you gonna be available today?
    EZ Target
    EZ Target
    sorry ill be on today between 7:30-10pm gmt+0
    Good, I'll let you know when I'm done eating. :P
    When do you want to play for random pokemon tournament. I'm gmt +0 and I can play any day at most times.
    EZ Target
    EZ Target
    im also gmt+0 so 9pm on sunday okay? i have po if u use that and can use ps. you choice gl
    Knight of Cydonia
    Knight of Cydonia
    yeah thats a fine time, i'll be on ori server on ps at 9pm. I'll use this name for simplicity
    Yo we have to play the omachi tour. I am gmt-4 and would prefer to play either friday or Saturday on Pokemon Showdown.
    I will be under the name 'Gotze19'.
    EZ Target
    EZ Target
    Hey. I'm gmt+0 and would like to play friday 5pm gmt-4. can we back on the oriserver or another server besides ps main tho? if we can't it is cool, my name on ps is ez target
    EZ Target
    EZ Target
    yo. you on? message me when youre ready
    ori server? I will be Gotze19
    wanna play now? :}
    I'll try to be online the next hours btw
    EZ Target
    EZ Target
    ill be on for quite a bit as well as on the ori survey so message me here or on the survey
    hey we are paried for the R1 of the YOLO tour, I'm -6GMT and I'm most free on the weekends :}
    yh, this weekend I can play during the time I sent the vm, lol also I don't use to use that much irc but you can find me on #smogon as GreenCore lol
    EZ Target
    EZ Target
    on sunday, we will play at 2pm gmt-6 as im not around on saturday
    kk i'll see you on saturday
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