Fleeting Memories
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  • bw 2v2 tour, when do u want to play, i'm gmt+1, would prefer before Saturday as I am unlikely to have internet on the weekend, is 9pm gmt+1 ok on Friday?
    Fleeting Memories
    Fleeting Memories
    Im GMT +2 as you may or may not have read/remember; 9PM +1 works but I would honestly prefer 9PM +2 (8PM +1) if that Also works
    I knew u were European, but forgot from where exactly. 8pm gmt+1 is fine, see u there.
    Heyoooo I'm -7 wanna play soon
    Fleeting Memories
    Fleeting Memories
    if you want to beat me, come on main server rfn, otherwise how does friday noon Pacific, 9PM +2 sound?
    I will come to the main server rfn
    Alright bro sm tour I'm -7 and can play literally whenever you're free if im awake and the day is not saturday; when works for you
    Fleeting Memories
    Fleeting Memories
    Im +2; would prefer late tuesday and free basically whole Wednesday and thursday;
    Tuesday 9PM +2? Or is that too early (noon your time if Im not wrong)
    Shit sorry didnt realize I had orientation on Monday and tuesday. I cant make Tuesday but I'm completely free on Wednesday. Noon my time is perfectly fine as well, if you wanted to play wednesday at noon -7
    Fleeting Memories
    Fleeting Memories
    Yeah sure wednesday noon your time it is
    when play seeded? I'm GMT+2 and can play from 9am to 2pm everyday
    Fleeting Memories
    Fleeting Memories
    1PM wednesday? we are same timezone as we are both not mental
    true, alright. See you wednesday
    we play for ssnl. my time zone changed to -7. available pretty much whenever
    Fleeting Memories
    Fleeting Memories
    Im currently +1 but i think its during the night towards tmrw i become +2; how about Thursday ~9PM my time (+2)?
    sounds good!
    you wanna be on our team for sph?
    Fleeting Memories
    Fleeting Memories
    it really depends on if you mind someone who might not be the best at puzzles in english but certainly can be of some help (as long as nothing gets in my way ofc, oh and Ill prolly be gone for most of the day on sunday)
    Yeah, we definitely don’t mind! We aren’t gonna be super competitive, just trying to get as far as we can. We were also looking for OM people because we all come from that background and saw you play 1v1. I haven’t been on discord lately but I’ll check with the rest of my team later today to see if the spot is still open.
    Fleeting Memories
    Fleeting Memories
    If the spot is still open Ill gladly take that spot
    LMFAOOO, when play banhappy
    Kinda funny we playing r2, but forgot to mention I’m edt if u somehow forgot
    Fleeting Memories
    Fleeting Memories
    dw I still have my brain (i hope), Wednesday 3PM EDT? Thats 9PM for me, you also know Im flexible
    Ye that should work
    Hello, I'm your opponent for OM exhibition, when are you able to play?
    For my part I'm mostly available in the morning between 8H and 12H my time and the evening, between 6pm and 10pm, every days.
    Then sometimes I can be able to play during afternoon but it depends and I can't really predict of I will be on or not.
    Oooh sorry, I read 9 am, do not know why. So in fact I will can't be here (or it will be very very hard) can we play earlier or during afternoon. If you can't can you play tomoroww before the deadline?

    Sorry again it's my bad.

    If you can't I will try to be on at 9pm but can't promise anything.
    Fleeting Memories
    Fleeting Memories
    Does 4PM look good?
    Yeah, thanks you very much for being considerate whit schedule :)
    Hi, we're paired for the Almost Exhibition tour R1. I'm GMT-5, I can really only play around 10:45 AM or 4:00 PM weekdays my time, cannot do weekends at all. Fridays are usually best. I might alsi be free all Wednesday though I'll only know day of. Lmk asap so I can plan ahead.
    When can u play for dpp 1v1 tour? I'm est and cant play wednesday or Thursday due to finals
    Fleeting Memories
    Fleeting Memories
    DPP? Its BW 1v1 Cup lol, but how does Saturday look around 1 or 3PM EST?
    3 pm sounds good!
    Fleeting Memories
    Fleeting Memories
    Im on Amethyst now if you want to play early
    General Gunderson is bad
    - Confucius
    Fleeting Memories
    Fleeting Memories
    I didnt know Confucius was part of the 1v1 community, that suprises me, also do I need to remind you what happned last time you challenged me out of the blue?
    Fleeting Memories
    Fleeting Memories
    Im currently shaking my head over you ability to keep track of time, its a miracle
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