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  • Dont read this cause it actually works. You will be kissed on the nearest possible friday by the love of your life. Tomorrow will be the bwst day of your life. However if you dont post this in the next143 minutes you will die in 2days. Now you started reading this dont stop. This is scary but put this on at least 5 smogon profiles in 143 minutes.
    Do you think traps are gay?
    jk I am an expert on traps and I can assure you that they are 100% straight
    Says the person who wants to put their penis in Ilima, the most "make a girl, call it a boy" I've seen in a long time.
    you haven't seen many of those then because he's not a good example of that at all
    You think you baited me? NAH. I've never taken any bait. This is my 100% real opinion divorced from anger. I'm calm, I'm serene. I LAUGH when people imply I'm intellectually low enough to take bait. I always choose to reply just to spite you. I won. I've always won. Losing is not in my skillset. So you're probably gonna reply "lol epik trolled" or "u mad bro" but once you've done that you've shown me I've won. I've tricked the trickster and conquered memery. I live everyday growing stronger to fight you plebs and low level trolls who are probably 11 (baby, you gotta be 18 to use 4chan). But whatever, I digress. It's just fucking annoying that I'm never taken serious on this site, goddamn.
    Really, dude. Have a rest and take it easy. You've gotta cool down a bit. Perhaps have a nice bath or something. Even a hot shower could do you some good. Relax and unwind for a while. It'll probably do you a world of good. Of course, you could just stay here and be angry. Regardless, you should read all the capital letters.
    dude rhyperior lmao
    420 days a strong 420blazeitfaggot who don't need no dealer overdosed while injecting marijuanas and died. Post this in 10 different places or his ghost will rape your mother and you will never have dank bud again.
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