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  • Hi, we have to play for Oras ssnl, I’m GMT-6, when do you want to play?
    Hey, I’m sorry but saturday evening will not work for me actually… I can play today same time, or sunday same time, or any day before 9 am my time.
    Sunday would work best for me if that’s possible for you, if not then I’ll try to be there tomorrow as we scheduled
    sorry really busy day car wouldnt start. sundays kinda rough can you do two hours earlier on sunday?
    big props for the alpha pfp :blobthumbsup:
    fish anemometer
    fish anemometer
    re aria..tbh not huge on aria or the "iyashikei" genre. imo most of the "healing" stuff comes from contrast with some deeper shit. in ykk you have existential dread, the post apocalypse and profound sadness of things forever transfigured by time and lost. girl's last tour has some immense existential loneliness and fighting to not starve to death etc... aria/tamayura are a bit saccharine for me
    fish anemometer
    fish anemometer
    aria has a brief moment where they mention earth has gone to shit but thats about it. not enough for me :P the problems its characters face are more comparable to high school set SoL where death=graduation. I do kinda dig season 2 of the anime cause i love round table ft. nino and the midnight cat stuff was kinda psychedelic. shoot me a fr on discord! mine is yokohamakaidashikikou
    sounds good ill just respond on discord haha
    hey we paired up for ORAS cup... lmk when can play... am GMT +5.5 and prefer night my time :)
    can't do that time on the weekend, but i think i can actually go a bit later on thursday if u need like 9-10am
    9.30 am your time on Thursday works
    alright lets shoot for that cool
    Hello Foolycl, I'll be your matchup for BWGC. I will be available from Wednesday onward through this week, and more than likely (not certain yet) into this weekend as well. I am UTC -6 (Central Time). My most ideal hours to play are 10 PM my time and later, but with enough notice I can make other times work if that window isn't very convenient for you. Let me know which days / times this week are ideal for you.
    Hey oras mono cup, i'm gmt +2, i'd prefer during weekdays, i'm free from 7pm but it can be saturday during daytime, not available sunday. Lmk
    Hey sorry, are you free on sunday from 7/8pm+2 or can we ask for an extension ? I have an issue with tomorrow due to work stuff
    nw bro i felt that lmao. thats like 2-3am my time I could prob do that, but I'd be at work so it might be a little awkward. should be fine though
    i'm on ps don't hesitate to pm when you're ready
    Hey looks like we are matched up for OST. I am GMT -7 and I can play most days after 4 my time, lmk what works for you.
    You coming? I can wait until 6:30 but not much longer than that
    Claiming activity cuz I gotta get going hope all is well boss
    yeah my bad apologies had some shit come up didnt realize
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