Garay oak
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  • yo we got each other ompl week 4 for ag bo1, i'm gmt -7 and are usaully on my PS acc "Skarpherim" in the ag room. I just wanted to contact you to see when we could play (i'm not completely certain of my schedule this week but i'm usually free 80% of the time).
    Garay oak
    Garay oak
    Yo, I'm GMT +2 and I'm usually free to play whenever but I prefer playing at night
    you gonna be on soon? we scheduled for this time so im just waiting atm
    Hey, we’re paired for pupl. I’m gmt -4 and should be free Wednesday, Saturday, and Sunday. Lemme know what works for you
    hi we are playing for ompl6 ag
    im gmt +5:30 online on weekdays around 12pm - 4pm and 7pm to 8:30ish pm and i can be a bit more flexible on weekends
    arushiii on ps, online in ag room
    uhhh actually i can do 4pm to 6pm can u play that time?
    4pm to 6pm on saturday i mean
    Garay oak
    Garay oak
    I play wcop at 5:30 your time, maybe we could play after that if u're still on
    we're paired for nupl; i'm gmt+2 - the earlier we play the better n_n
    Garay oak
    Garay oak
    When are you usually on? I'll play whenever I have the teams ready
    usually afternoons (some mornings too)
    sorry u should be able to. don’t know why that is. anyways gmt -5. im p busy until next monday unfortunately :/ but i can try to work around it
    Yo bro should we do today / tomorrow / thursday for dpp cup 2 please? i am gmt+1 so hopefully easy to schedule.
    Garay oak
    Garay oak
    Thursday should be fine
    im on s tours from now breh on the alt: DettolBoy1991
    Hi we gotta play for adv cup. Im gmt+2 friday evening or weekend would work best for me. Lmk when you have time
    Hi. We play for GSC Cup. Im gmt -5 and free on the evenings. My wifi can be a bit bad then since I play from the computer lab in University. I am always home on the weekends and free to play this week but not next weekend. Let me know.
    Garay oak
    Garay oak
    I can play this weekend, at what time are you free?
    hey when do u want to play for upl? im gmt -7 and should be available in the morning and night on saturday and sunday, possibly friday night as well
    Garay oak
    Garay oak
    I'm GMT +2, saturday/sunday morning should work
    ok sounds good. just to confirm that's morning for me right?
    Garay oak
    Garay oak
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