Gilbert arenas
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  • RoA, when do you wanna play? Gmt+2 and can play whenever my evenings
    RoA Olympics ORAS DOU. GMT-4. Gonna be busy this entire week so let's aim for next week please
    we gatta get this done yo
    We are paired for adv uu Olympics. I can do most days during the morning or daytime with some notice and weekend mornings 8:45 am. Im gmt-5. I can occasionally do evenings and weekend days but I can't commit to them.
    ghosting tour when can u play? sometime in evening of GMT +2 is ideal for us
    yo its scheduled time, im online
    yo wanna get the ROA major league thing done sunday evening/ somewhere past 8 or 9pm +2?
    hey paired for roast im gmt+5:30 and didnt quite understand your "today" on discord so i rather just schedule here
    We play RBY and BW for RoA major. Best time for me is after 8:30pm gmt
    OST will be home by 18th, so like 20th is perfect af or 21st. GMT +1 not too early please
    hi, when oras ubers cup? gmt+1. wanna play sunday evening?
    Gilbert arenas
    Gilbert arenas
    We’ll see dude
    u on rn?
    since yday didn't seem to work out for you and i don't understand your cryptic message. can you play today 10pm gmt+1, or tomorrow morning 9am gmt+1, tomorrow evening after like 9pm gmt+1 or wednesday after 10pm gmt+1? please specify a time and answer with yes or no.
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