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  • Is Gigantamax named after you?
    I called it 13 years in advance. Greetings, McGrrrrrrr!
    There is now a Pokemon mechanic named in your honour. But it's strong enough that it looks like it will get banned... Almost as strong as the real Gmax.
    i see u online. hope life is grand gauth
    shade! Life is always grand. How's it going with you?
    I really really hope everything is going well for you, you passed that exam all those years ago, and you aren't having to grind as hard. Life could throw some of that devotion back at you. Thank you for remembering me, you're really a friend I can't forget.
    Haha, yes, that was the GMAT. I didn't do much with my score though. I spent a couple of years figuring stuff out, now I'm studying to be an HR manager, messing with people's heads for a living! Thank you jpluff, that's sweet :) How're your studies coming along?
    Gmax <3 I'm happy I finally logged in at the right time to catch you! If you use Discord I am on it, don't know if you do, IRC is ded. :( I am a bit sick these days but still living in Sydney and progressing towards my degree. I've also travelled to the USA since we spoke and I'm enjoying a lot of leisure in my life (concerts and stuff), so I can't complain! (Yes I'm leaving the house...) (420 char limit)
    Wow, that's great, pluff! So glad to hear it :) I hope you're enjoying Sydney! Sigh, IRC is indeed dead. It's the end of an era. I signed on to discord the other day, but there were just too few people I knew around. Can't connnect, there's too much of a... discord, heh. Perhaps we can all get on one time and spade one day!
    Hey Gmax are you still around, or did you go down my path of disappearing from the circus?
    Ameliaaaaaaaaaaaaaa! Still around??
    gmaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaax :O yeah that was me on showdown, sorry i missed you
    Haha, hello p3, how've you been doing?
    working hard or hardly working?
    both and neither billymills, it depends on the day. how about you?
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