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  • Hey I wish you all the best w rl, sometimes it gets rly hard and it's ok to take time to recover
    Hey we play for ag gen 8, +5:30 so lmk what works
    Unfortunately, things have come up in real life for me right now, and I no longer have time for such a thing. I'm giving you a free win here. Sorry.
    Oh :c. Gl for Irl
    Hi we’re playing for the ag gen8 tour. What’s your timezone and PS username and what time in your timezone works best for you on which day(s) this week? I’m US mountain time, and can play pretty much whenever from like 3 pm my time to 6 pm during the week and from 8 am to 12 pm on Wednesday or Friday, and literally whenever from 7 am to 9pm on the weekend.
    My PS screenname is GoldenSandslash15. I'm on US Pacific Time. Of your available times, these are the options that work for me:

    * Wednesday morning
    * Friday morning
    * Saturday (any time)

    Just pick a day/time (please specify whether you're using my time zone or yours), and I'll be on PS at that time. Also, what's your PS username?
    My PS! Username is BananaBen15, I can play whenever on Saturday, how about... 9:30-10:30 am my time? Does that work for you?
    It’s a date.
    My name is David Moyes. It's not exactly a good name, because it's literally just "Moyes" and "David" with the letters flipped.
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