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  • Hey, I am busy till monday, also the Hall run will move slower for a while.

    If you would like a different ref to ref yours, then I can put you back on the Queue.

    Also before tagging folks, please check LOA thread to see if they have posted anything.
    If you put your ASB Profile in your Signature (like I do for mine), then you won't have to repost it every time you make a Prize Claim.
    Hey man, can we change our match to "Training Items only" instead of "No items?" It will do nothing except allow me to gain counters more quickly; it will have no effect except for encumbering my own Acrobatics.
    Hi goldthunderbird. I accepted your 2v2 singles; please take note of my comments in the post. Also letting you know I intend to bring Skorupi & Syclar.
    Yes, we do need to wait for a ref.
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