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  • Hi, I am your Round 3 opponent for the Smogon VGC tournament. I am GMT+0, and I am free today from 10am-10pm my time, and 8pm-10pm Monday-Friday. I am also free all day next Saturday and Sunday, so as long as our match falls in these zones I'm quite flexible as to when I can play. Let me know when is best for you, and I look forward to our match :)
    Hi it's your VGC smogon tournament opponent for round 1! I'm GMT +11 and would like to play on the weekend ideally. I'm free from 11 am (11:00) to 10 pm (22:00) on both Saturday and Sunday. Use this to work out our timezone difference and get back to me on some times that can work!
    Cool. We're on the same page then! Looking forward to battle.
    Alright I'm hanging around now on showdown. Just reply here or pm me on there and we can play.
    Waited 30 mins and saw nothing from your end. I'm not free on the tuesday morning for myself and I might be able to do tomorrow but it's going to have to be later for you. We'll go with 12 pm tomorrow so I hope to see you there.
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