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  • yo, we are paired for 1v1 ssnl - when u want to play? im gmt-5
    I was talking about GMT 0 so 6 7 8 9 pm for my time and 11 am, 12 am, 1pm, 2pm for your time. Soryy i don't speak english very well I don't know if I'm allways clear
    I m gonna try to be connected 11pm my time tomorrow but I'm not sure if I m going to succeed it s very late. If I m not here let s just report our battle for another day
    crow crumbs
    crow crumbs
    yeah thats fine, we can just play on the weekend if tmrw doesnt pan out
    When fite im gmt+8
    hey, I didn't see you when I was connected today. I'm sorry it is probably my fault because i did not succed to be connected all the day like I said. Are you okay to do our fight 5 september at 11 am for my time, and 5 pm for your time? I am free this day so we can do our battle few hours after this hour if you want.
    lmni 1v1
    lmni 1v1
    yea this is fine aswell
    i'm actually connected, and I can stand on my computer for few hours.
    We're matched for 1v1 Fall Seasonal Round 1! My timezone is Central Daylight Time, UTC-5, and I'm usually available from 6PM-12AM my time most nights, let me know what days/times can work for you so we can kick this off
    I can do 12AM tomorrow, should be fine.
    Well, 11:59 tomorrow, 12 the day after, but you get the gist. Monday evening.
    The Official Glyx
    I've been seeing Grain all over Showdown while not seeing you anywhere. If it comes down to activity (which it might), he is winning.
    If I were you in this situation, I'd focus less on trying to get scheduled times and focus more on just being on Showdown and the 1v1 room in general (even if you just leave the tab open without doing anything, that helps), as that way you're much more likely to run into each other.
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