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  • just in case you missed my post in DHP, note that landorus-T is not a legal dark horse this month. i'd hate to let someone waste all their time laddering for a hall of fame spot on a misconception.

    Pokemon: Blaziken
    Attacks: Protect, Hi Jump Kick, Flare Blitz, Thunder Punch
    Ability: Speed Boost
    Item: Life Orb
    Nature: Jolly
    Wanted IVs: 31 Atk, 31 Spe

    Pokemon: Serperior
    Moves: Leaf Storm, Giga Drain, Dragon Pulse, ???
    Ability: Contary
    Item: ???
    Nature: Modest
    Wanted IVs: 31 SpA, 31 Spe

    Well, lets move on. What do you think of these Pokemon?
    It would help me take out my friends pescy Arceuses. It's a pretty much a last resort when I'm low HP or when battling super-tough Pokemon like Arceus. It's saved me on my last team on many occasions.

    I'll change the nature of Zoroark to Naive, like you said.
    Ok. How about these Pokemon?

    Pokemon: Zoroark
    Attacks: Night Daze, Flamethrower, Focus Blast, U-Turn
    Ability: Illusion
    Item: ???
    Nature: Timid
    Wanted IVs: 31 Atk, 31 SpA, 31 Spe

    Pokemon: Empoleon

    Attacks: Surf, Hydro Pump, Hydro Cannon, Flash Cannon
    Ability: Torrent
    Item: ???
    Nature: Bold
    Wanted IVs: 31 HP, 31 Def, 31 SpA, 31 Sp. Def
    Can you rate these Pokemon and give suggestions?

    Pokemon: Golurk
    Moves: Shadow Punch, Earthquake, Drain Punch, ???
    Ability: Iron Fist
    Item: ???
    Nature: Impish OR Careful
    IVs Wanted: 31 HP, 31 Atk, 31 Def, 31 SpD

    Pokemon: Salamence
    Moves: Dragon Claw, Fly, Hydro Pump, Fire Blast
    Ability: Intimidate OR Moxie
    Item: ???
    Nature: Hasty OR Naive
    Wanted IVs: 31 Atk, 31 SpA, 31 Spe
    Okay, just wanted to conferm.

    Wait, I heard that you replyed about suggestions about the Golurk. What were they again?
    Holy Shite i can't believe someone actually got that.. lol. You're prize is a virtual high-5!

    So, when can we play ?
    I can propose tuesday evening, between 6pm and 11pm gmt+2.
    Is that good for you ?
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