Guilas D
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  • OU minitour, play when? I'm gmt + 10 but can play most of the time if we can arrange something in advance.
    Guilas D
    Guilas D
    today will be on all the day, so will be fine. If not give me a date and I will try to be there
    I am on right now if you are?

    If not, how does 9am your time work on Sunday?
    Guilas D
    Guilas D
    ok, im on smogtours waiting
    Hey i'm you're my new opponent for the RU tournament! what your showdown name?
    Guilas D
    Guilas D
    GGuilas is my showdown nickname. When u wanna play ?
    Do you want to battle right now?
    Guilas D
    Guilas D
    sure, im on smogtours "GGuilas"
    Hi, when can you play or the pu tour?
    Friday night will be fine, im gmt+0 and i should be free from 7-10pm my time
    Guilas D
    Guilas D
    Ok , will be there asap . Anyway will comment here the exact moment I get into PS
    Guilas D
    Guilas D
    Mi nick is : u got klefkied ^
    When u wanna play for PU mini tour? I'm GMT -4 and free this afternoon as well as any time after 330 PM my time weekdays bar Tuesday and Friday.
    Guilas D
    Guilas D
    Man I was there yesterday and I didn´t see you . Say another day , this weekend would be nice
    Sorry. Saturday. If I'm not there u take the win.
    Guilas D
    Guilas D
    I am here waiting :[
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