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  • When do you wanna play for lc open? i'm gmt +2 and would like to play today or tomorrow because i'm going on vacation in the 4th
    Hey, sorry about this but I had made a mistake in the round 2 pairings for LC Open, your opponent is Chokepic, not Marcoh233
    Hallucination VS Merritt for SuMo LC Tour. When are you playing?
    Merritt said they are on at 8-9:30 pm on the weekdays, so one of the days this week.
    The Quasar
    The Quasar
    That's ok for me. Let me know
    We have to play in Flying Blind. GMT +1. When do you habe time?
    Ill be free after school nearly, which ends at 3:00 PM EST (GMT -5). If we schedule one right when I get home (which I may end up being a little late to), I believe it will be 9:00 for you. Will that work?
    Der Dreckige Dan
    Der Dreckige Dan
    Yes, it'll propably work. Would be Friday fine? Because I don't think, I'll be able to play before, due to a test on Friday. I have a game at 8pm (GMT+1), so if I will be a bit late I'll say it.
    Should work out, if for whatever reason Friday doesnt work will you be available on saturday? Also, if you have a skype add me, it will be easiest for me to communicate there.

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