Hell Rayquaza11
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  • hey, we play for Round 2 of OST. when are you available? I'm UTC+1 and on weekdays I am usually available between 6pm and 11pm. this Saturday I'm not available at all, but I have time for the whole Sunday up until like 5pm.
    do you know when we can play yet im free saturday btw im GMT -5
    Hell Rayquaza11
    Hell Rayquaza11
    saturday?so tomorraw?sure i can do it tomorraw so 9pm GMT+6 tomorraw i mean as i said it would be 10 am for you also i am buisy in the morning so i can't do it during then btw
    that sounds good and my username is my smogon name btw
    Hi, we're paired for the MnM tour, i'm GMT+1 and i can play during this weekend if you want. When can you play ?
    Hell Rayquaza11
    Hell Rayquaza11
    i am GMT+6 can we do it on sunday 1/21/18 at 9 pm GMT+6 it would be 4pm i believe in your time
    Yes, is 4 pm in France, it's ok for me for 4 pm on sunday 1/21/18. I will be on main as Smouky.
    i have school all week but maybe tmr around 8:30 GMT -5 or Tmr night like GMT-5 @9? this is dates for 01.17.17 in GMT-5 let me know plz what works for you best
    hey i have to battle you for the tournament so what time is good for you im GMT -5
    Hell Rayquaza11
    Hell Rayquaza11
    i am GMT+6 can we do it at 9:00 pm GMT+6 it will be 10 pm your time also please tell me a time you are good with if you can't play then since i am free whole day and you can select the day(also my name is Hell Rayquaza1 on PS! not Hell Rayquaza11)
    hey we scheduled for 9 pm gmt +6 on sunday but smth came up. Can we either do 3 hours later or 3 hours earlier than that?
    Hell Rayquaza11
    Hell Rayquaza11
    3 hours earlier works but 3 hours later doesn't
    Ok cool so 6 pm gmt +6 then
    hey, I'm gmt -6, what is a good time for you?
    i can play all day saturday, but i see that your messages are very early in the morning, so can you play at like 10 or 11 PM my time if not, i might be able to play at like 7-9 AM my time as well
    Hell Rayquaza11
    Hell Rayquaza11
    alright 9pm my time 9am your time saturday how about that?
    sounds great!
    Rayquaza shakes the earth as it descend from the sky with a devastating roar announcing it's place as the best of all pokemon
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