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  • hi when u want play for sm mono cup ? (gmt +2)
    Hey I’m GMT -5. I can play Wednesday-Sunday most likely and probably around noon my time. My discord is nate8585 for easy setup too btw
    Hey if you are free to battle within the next few hours let's run it. If not we can set up a time. (gmt-6 timezone)
    I’m down to right now if you can, otherwise I called act earlier as it’s been nearly impossible to schedule a game, even when trying to add you on Showdown
    K I'm online rn
    Very professional
    hey we paired up for sv monotype cup .... lmk when can play ... am GMT +5.5 and prefer night my time :)
    Hello, would you be willing to add me on discord? It’s nate8585. Otherwise I’m GMT-5, 2pm to 10pm works for me, so 10:30pm for you start time.
    hey hey
    When do you wanna play for the Monotype Seasonal?
    I'm online on PS for like 2 or 3 more hours. If you catch me online we can play then
    ok guess not. How about the weekend? I should be able to make most times work as I'm pretty free
    What is best for you? I can do anytime tonight. My discord is nate8585 too btw
    Hey, we're paired together for Round 1 of the Gen 9 Random Battles Open! My time zone is GMT-5, and I'm available to play now or on Monday, Tuesday, or Wednesday evening, preferably after 8 pm GMT-5, but I can also do 6-7 pm on those days.
    Can you do today after 8pm? GMT-5 is EST right lol?
    Yes it is! I'm just now checking in, I've been gone all day. If you can play now, I'll play, if not, can we shoot for Tuesday evening EST?
    I'll make sure to check back in at 5 pm EST on Tuesday
    hey, we are paired for mono seasonal! I can play on Wednesday or Thursday this week! I am gmt+2
    Ah hey Im guessing I got DQd? Sorry for the late response
    yeah, I didn't even ask for an act, don't know how it works... No Problem
    hey! so we got matched up in the monotype tourney, may i ask what your time zone is and when you are avaliable? my timezone is gmt +3 and ill be avaliable for this whole entire day until around 11 pm gmt +3
    Hey! My timezone is GMT +5, also if you wanna add me on discord @ NaTe#8585 I will respond much faster there and will def see your message!
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