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  • hey, we're playing in 15 for Classics
    Im -4

    I have to leave for a wedding on Thursday and will be without cell service. Would really love to get to play you though. Any chance you're free tomorrow afternoon/night or Wednesday night? If not, I can be subbed out, but would really love to fight you if possible.

    Let me know!
    Hey, just letting you know I may be a couple of minutes late. I doubt it but I just wanted to let you know in case
    I Am a Rookie
    Ok, I'm on as I Am a Rookie when you are ready
    Just got home, will challenge in a second
    hi bspl i am gmt-5. Not sure when Im available during the day so safest would be mornings 7:30am-10:00am and nights after like 9:00 could also be ok.
    Ok it might have to be a little earlier than that if you want to play morning, so if that is too much trouble for you I think its looking ok for me to play a weekend night. Otherwise the morning is fine, 10am could potentially be ok, but I may be getting ready to leave then
    I Am a Rookie
    Will 9:30 work?
    yea i think it should be fine
    We play for BSPL, am GMT +8. Heavily preferred: would Sunday 12 noon my time work? Should that not work, we can try earlier but I'll have to negotiate that a bit. I'm also unsure of my availability on my Saturday but should it be free and be preferred, I'll see what I can do!
    yo dude, I just got back from an out-of-town trip myself. Sorry I missed your Thursday night, I was out fixing stuff for my first days of college and there was no net yet there for us :(.

    What times can you make-ish possibly on your Sat night? I'll see what I can do to help it much easier for you to get the game done then! :D
    I Am a Rookie
    I messaged you on discord, are you able to play within the next hour and a half? After that I won't be back home until 7 hours from now
    I Am a Rookie
    Please message me on discord though if you do become available because I don't get notifications for this on my phone
    off work friday and saturday, up from like 7am til 9-10pm usually, prefer early afternoon
    I Am a Rookie
    Okay Saturday works for me, anywhere from 2 - 10 PM EST should work for me if you want to pick the time.
    How does 6pm eastern / 3pm pacific sound?
    I Am a Rookie
    Works for me, see you then!
    yo we gotta play, GMT +5:30 and I'm usually available between 3-7pm my time on weekdays. If that isn't possible for you, how does 2am my time saturday/sunday sound? (your friday/saturday)
    I Am a Rookie
    Those weekday times are super rough for me since it's 2:30 - 6:30 AM my time, so let's shoot for 2 AM your Sunday.
    I Am a Rookie
    Alternatively I will attempt to stay up to 2:30 today, but not promises.
    in that case don't force yourself, 2am my time sunday would work much better for me as well
    hi hello there my timezone is gmt+1

    I'd prefer playing before friday, is that possible for you? Name a few times if so, and I'll likely be free
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