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  • hello man was wondering if u can hatch an egg shiny plz my friend code is 3540-0086-1977
    no nickname and my in game name is FRANKIE so message me as soon as you can i added your code already
    Hey dude. I have an egg I really want to hatch shiny. Can you do it for me purdy please? my FC is: 3652-0622-1931

    If it is possible I would like to hatch it before I leave for family tomorrow! My ingame name is Euler, I am adding you now in case I connect with you before I see a message.

    Also, if you do hatch it for me, could hatch it at Terminus cave? with the nickname Snowball.
    To BE ***
    I would like it to be in terminus. I have to go like right now though so I guess I will try to connect with you again on Saturday. I could give it to you now though and you can hatch it later on if that is ok...but please trade me now.
    Hey dude, I am back from my trip. Please let me know when you would be available to hatch my Pokemon. I am sure you are busy but your help would be appreciated!
    Hi, can you help me hatching an egg? It has the ESV 3331. My code is 1822-0261-4377, ingame name "Ira" I would really appreciate it!
    Heyy sorry havent been on my PC in a while sorry :P I'm able to hatch ur shiny right now Fc 2036 7052 5605
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