• Snag some vintage SPL team logo merch over at our Teespring store before January 12th!
  • Hi! In response to your post, I'd be happy to send the three Pokemon you requested over. You mentioned you wanted nicknames on a few of them. What would you like them named?
    Hey it looks like you subbed in for my opponent in the VGC tournament. Please contact me with a time we can battle
    I need a good 5th gen competitive team based around a naughty nature emboar! Any good advice, links? I wont need it until a new gen 5 game comes out! TAL
    I know. I just didn't want to ask you because you've done a lot of stuff for me already, and I have some credits to use up from other people.

    However, they haven't responded in a while, so if you can EV today, that'd be great.
    So NN would be KK. Ok. And I can tutor those moves, if your OK with hacked BPs. And I can't trade so soon, because I need another Emerald cart to tutor my pokes. So until I get one I can't trade it.
    Tell you what. I just figured out the I have wed. to friday off this week so I will see if I have time then. I would prefer to do it on an emulator, ya.
    Hey there! Sorry for the delay, but I really just do not have anytime at all to work on the poke for you :/ If you can find someone else to do it that would be great. And since this has been such a trouble for you, I would like to give you 2 pokes from my trade thread :)
    sorry about that, my cat has been throwing up for the past half hour or so lol. getting on now

    do you want it nicknamed "Beedrill"? if so, i'd have to use a re-nickname anything AR code
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