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  • Huge congrats! Very well deserved badge, thank you for all the hard work you put into the community (:
    can people please never list their votes in reverse order literally ever again i cant count and its ridiculously hard for me to read you all should know this by now
    btw not sure if you got it but i updated mega lurk
    I did see that! Thank you for letting me know though because I do miss things really easily.
    Hey dude, really sorry to bug you here, but I've edited my votes; can you please factor in my edited vote when counting votes?

    Thanks, have a good day,

    ~War Incarnate
    didnt want to put this in the m4a thread, but i took a stab at designing a water/bug mega inteleon;

    visually draws from chameleons obv but also vaguely assassin bugs, since, uhm. you know .
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