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  • Hi Jiggy, I was wondering if you'd be interesting in trading me a copy of your Female DW Gligar. You can select anything from my trade thread in return.
    Hi Jiggy! Are you busy? Was wondering if I can meet you on wifi so you'll be registered on my game for dream world.
    Hey, I noticed you posted your vote for the V gen initial banlist in Policy Review. I had thought only badged members could post in policy review, but every 10 or so votes, a seemingly regular member will post their list as well. Do you know if anyone can post, or only badged members or those given special permission? Just curious. (I know you're probably not the best person to ask, but I coudn't find info about this anywhere else, so thanks for responding :)
    Well, I think we are on opposite time zones, which is good (you're on at about 3am my time, which is good on weekends, because that's when I'm awake haha)

    I think I can idle tonight for a while. Thanks!
    Ahh I'm so sorry, I went to bed right before you replied :( My apologies. Is there any time convenient to you that I can try to get on at?
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