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  • You can't just casually mention your birthday without randoms wishing you a happy birthday. As such, happy birthday.
    I might be late to the stream. I need to take my car in to have the battery looked at and it may take a while.
    Verlisify's recommended Mega Blastoise set is Yawn, Aqua Ring, Water Pulse, and Iron Defense. XD
    Hello. I'm a Japanese Pokemon trainer. I have an egg(PSV:2106). Would you mind helping to hatch the egg? I'm sorry for my poor English.

    FC:1478-4230-1162 TN:はうる(Hauru)
    Hey, found out about you from prontjon. I'm kinda upset that I did, because I was looking forward to a small group of friends as in love with pokemon competitively as I am. None the less, hope we're able to battle sometime.
    Hi again Jimera0!
    Reading about OU, I just wanted to say it's nice seeing you again in the OU suspect thread. As usual, you're a light into the yuck that those threads tend to become...
    I got the password and permission for the art so all we need to do is finish up that OP and we're ready to go, haha. Will you be on tomorrow to finish it up? I'll be available around like 5:30 or so.
    You need to start contacting via conversation so I get an email notifying me lol. You should write up a draft in the meantime then I can go over it later.
    Lol, alright. Should have one in tomorrow but I'm super busy this week @_@

    Also, you should follow me so you can see when I'm on, pretty useful since I'm generally on IRC when I'm available too.
    Look, I know that we don't know each other, but, can you add my Friend Code??
    it's 5086-2047-0566. Pokémons: Nosepess, Onix, Ryhorn! I really what your FC's pokemons.
    Where are you from??? I from Brazil (-3)
    Sorry for my English, if I wrote something wrong.
    Hey Jim, I went ahead and talked to Jellicent about you-know-what and we got the ok, so if you are still interested in doing it, we can discuss it on IRC sometime this week.
    I know you can see this >:[
    Sorry lol I've just been doing other things. tbh I don't really want to have the responsibility of managing a new topic, but I'll help you decide how to set it up. We can talk more on tomorrow eh?
    Sure, that's fine for me! I don't want to force you to do anything, I just thought you wanted to. But yeah, whatever you can help with is appreciated. See you tomorrow!
    Won't be at the stream this or next week, so don't let anyone die, because I won't be there to be the only one to care. I also updated my scramble recently, and I thought I should let my number 1 (/only?) fan know. P.S. I hate Traditional.
    I'm fine just been doing a lot of random things. I still stream every Friday at 5:00pm EST with TheMantyke, DHR and usually my friend Alex.
    King Serperior
    King Serperior
    By the way, if you have X/Y, would you like to exchange codes?
    Here's mine if its a yes: 0404-6865-7963
    Of course! Mine is 2294-4290-8293
    King Serperior
    King Serperior
    Added. Looks like you are Water with Octilliry, Floatzel, and Poliwhirl. You actually have three mons I've been looking for :P
    Yes I am Ace Combat with meditate, riolu and sawk, if you want to add me my FC is 2552 1634 5898, just message me back that you added me and message me your FC
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