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  • i guess we gotta do this again. I can do pretty much anytime Friday/Sunday, Saturday looks pretty gross though.
    Hey buddy we play for BSPL, I'm GMT-3 and I'm available afternoon and night my time, We can play any day of the week. Let me know which day/time suits you :D
    I'm ok with either day just long as it's night time (7 pm - 10pm/10:30pm)
    Ok let's shoot for Friday night then.
    Sounds good buddy! If anything comes up the day before I will post it here to keep you updated.
    Bss classic when I’m gmt-4
    I can do today and tomorrow but after that I’m free on the weekend
    I can play today, I'm gmt-4 as well so should be easy to schedule
    I can also play tomorrow whenever's convenient for you.
    Hey, we're opps for the GBU tour. I'm UTC - 4 (EDT.) Weekdays I'm available on evenings, as well as late afternoon (like past 4) on Wednesday and Thursday. Weekends I can do all day.
    Also, due to a change to my schedule I won't be able to do 4 to 7 p.m. on Sunday, but will also be free all day tomorrow.
    I should be able to play between 4-7 today
    4 sounds good
    Yo, bss open. I'm gmt +5:30. I can do only 8pm-11:59pm my time on weekdays can do 10am to 11:59pm on sunday. Suggest a time when you can play.
    Tuesday, Wednesday, or Thursday at 8-11 your time are the only times that'll work for me.
    King Leo V
    King Leo V
    ok then. We'll play Tuesday 9Pm my time.
    King Leo V
    King Leo V
    If we can't then we can do it on wednesday or thursday as well.
    Hi, I can am typically available weekdays ~8PM-11PM CST, or pretty much anytime on the weekend. If a particular time works good for you, just let me know.
    Weekends are probably best for me, can you do mid-day on Saturday?
    Leroy Davis
    Leroy Davis
    Sure sounds good.
    Hey, buddy, we play for BSPL week 5, I'm GMT-3 and I'm available Saturday and Sunday. What time and day do you prefer?
    Sorry to get back to you late, but I'm gonna have to sub out this week.
    Darn, really looking forward to playing you. Hope everything is well!
    Hey, would you mind playing me in some ou games sometime?
    oh now I see lol. I thought you were either a random or someone from the room we were playing in PSPL looking for info lol. If you still want to play me im down.
    Hey man when do you wanna play for bss tour? Im gmt+0 free most evenings
    I'm gonna be super busy with midterms next week so if we could get it done tonight or tomorrow that'd be great. I'm gmt- 5 And I'm free pretty much all day Friday
    Can do tonight if you want. Does 6pm your time sound ok? If not then anytime after 2pm my time friday i can do
    When play for Invite? I'm on break so I'm free pretty much any day but Saturday and I'm currently on CST (GMT-6).
    my finals are done after wednesday so Im free anytime after thursday
    play SM for this set? y/y
    i'm good with either
    When do you want to play for Invitational? I can play most days PST but would prefer to play after Wednesday since I'm slightly busy until then. I'm also fine with playing with USUM stuff if you'd prefer but let's decide that now to avoid any confusion.
    okay thursday is probably the best day for me, i've got an exam in the morning but i'll be free anytime after 3pm est. As for the USUM mons im fine with using them
    Alright, how does 8pm EST on Thursday sound for you?
    thats perfect, i'll post in thread to let everyone know
    you able to play sometime sunday your time (cart tour)?
    cant say
    cant say
    would prefer as late as possible that night
    hey sorry to get back to you so late, i don't think im gonna have time to play this weekend.I'm super busy with work and school right now so you should just take the activity win.
    cant say
    cant say
    oh man that sucks. I can get online to play pretty much anytime for the next 36 hours so if you have any time free then I'd prefer to play, but I need to know asap if it's between morning-afternoon your time so I can set an alarm lol. otherwise i'll reluctantly take the win
    hey Jmal98. We play round 1 of bss tour. I'm free to play everyday this week after 7pm CST. Let me know when is a good time and day for us to play. Keep in mind matches are bo3.
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