JonAmon 25
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  • ADV ZU Classic, UTC-6

    Free most days after 4pm MST. Free earlier on Saturdays, can sometimes make earlier work as well for weekdays. Booked for 4pm on Friday already. Can NOT play Sunday. Let me know when works ^^
    GMT+1 for BW ZU Classic. Can play as early as Thursday and most flexible between Friday-Sunday
    JonAmon 25
    JonAmon 25
    Yeah that’s fine
    sounds good, hope to see you then!
    this should be the time, on main as BlueHuseeyWasTaken (will be a couple mins before I accept chall but figured I'd lyk)
    Hey we gotta play for GSC ZU spotlight. I'm gmt -4 so lmk when you can play
    Just checking in again, if I don't hear by midnight imma ask for the act win
    Hola, creo que soy tu oponente.
    JonAmon 25
    JonAmon 25
    Hey, what’s your time zone so we can schedule our battle. I’m gmt-5 and free whenever on the weekends
    Ho, perdon por la tardanza, mi zona horaria es GMT-3, nuestra balata creo que es el sabado 11 cuando comieza la ronda 1
    rby zu, -4 would prefer to play before the weekend, free evenings except today
    JonAmon 25
    JonAmon 25
    Is Thursday at 6pm your time good
    yes but i have a set at 5 so we may have to play a bit later if it goes on too long
    im on tours if u wanna play early
    I am -3 GMT
    When can you get it?
    JonAmon 25
    JonAmon 25
    Saturday at 5pm your time good?
    I have no guarantee on Saturday whether you'll make it or not, we can do it this way, if I make it on Saturday I'll send you a message to let you know before the time, if I don't make it I'll let you know too.
    Hello! We are paired for round 2 of the Doubles Broken Cup Spotlight tour. I am +1 and I should be free pretty much every day except for this afternoon. When would you like to play?
    I'd rather do 9 pm if possible. Also, I am always in the randbats room so if you see me there, feel free to hit me up even before that day
    JonAmon 25
    JonAmon 25
    Ok sounds good
    Ready whenever you want
    adv zu, -5, cant do tuesday or friday. can do wed or thurs from 7 pm to 11 pm, saturday or sunday im free afaik!
    We play for R3 of the RoA ADV ZU tournament. I'm GMT -6. I should be available most afternoons/nights this week but would prefer Tues-Thurs, so lmk if there is a time that works best for you.
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