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  • Hello, my egg matches your TSV 2942
    Hatching for me please? :)

    B01 - 3,2 - Kangaskhan (♀) - Adamant - Inner Focus - - Dark - [2942]
    In-Game Name: Ruby
    Friend Code: 5258 3048 7262
    Time Zone: GMT+1
    Prehatched: Yes
    Availability: Anytime

    Thanks in advance :)
    Hi! ^_^ I'm generally available 7-9 EST on weeknights. I'll add you when I get home and let you know what date/time is best for me.
    Tell me a timetable, for me there is no problem
    Congrats on the RNG ^_^ Glad you were able to get it. You should be good to go now, but if you have trouble again you know where to post ;)
    I can't thank you enough!!!! Is there anything I can do for you? Would you be interested in bank ball pokes, I have a ton of nice extras!
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    You're very welcome! haha That's alright, thanks though. The "thanks" is more than enough payment in return :)
    shiny finder
    shiny finder
    Glad you're getting some use out of those calculators ;) Nice to hear it when someone actually uses them haha

    Congrats on the Therian RNGs too! Sounds like you're really getting the hang of things.
    Got quite 4 EM mons, just wondering what ure offering
    Dream ball ha female absol, karrablast, petilil, exeggcute, slowpoke, shroomish, chimecho, as well as moon ball F mawile, safari ball F skorupi, bagon, geodude, sport ball pinsir and scyther, love ball horsea
    Sorry, I'M on phone so I can't reply in convos, I'VE added your jap account and I'm online
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