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  • Alright man thanks for the great support I'll be looking forward to some of the advice you have for teams.
    I think I may just start from scratch and make a new team for nationals I'm gonna do as much testing with as many pokes as possible before the big day comes I still have a little over a month though ha.
    yeah its a really decent strategy I was thinking about using it when I got to nationals but I'm not sure yet.
    I guess it was an ok play I had just never seen anyone use Discharge EQ combo on skarmbliss haha x]
    Oh yeah that is right but still I should have spored the thundrus and ice beamed the landorus still a misplay in the end.
    Well I probably should have protected trick room then I would have been able to get a spore ice beam off on your Genies but I misplayed and went for Rage powder and water spout. So I don't wanna misplay like that at Nationals.
    Haha thanks I appreciate the support this is my first VGC so 'm not sure how I'll do at nationals I played horrible against you though I can't make rookie mistakes at nationals or I'll be done for.
    Haha it's gonna be hard beating Jeremy but I'll try my best I just want to get my invite to worlds cause its only top 8 this time I guess instead of top 16.
    Oh nice nice Duy is supposed to help me make a team and give me soem training and I was maybe gonna ask Ryan (deagle) for a few tips Alan (metabou) gave me a few tips already to get ready for nationals.
    I meant on pokemon online haha but yeah thats cool we can battle on ds before worlds too.
    Oh dang that sucks. Well then I'll see you at worlds hopefully we can get some practice in on SkarmBliss PO server.
    Yeah haha I remember I wasn't very familiar with e VGC play style as much when I played you but I'll have a lot more practice for nationals. I wasn't ready for your team haha all in all good game though and hope to see you at nationals.
    You might want to respond in the conversation so they can see it on their page /:
    You're sig is confusing, how can you be the first senior american champ if you were junior last year?
    SAWP KAMRAN!!! It's me Jeremy from Nats and Worlds! I finally wasn't so lazy, so I made a smogon account.
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