Kec Meister
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  • What would be a good time to schedule for our SS match? Weekends don't work for you? I'm usually good around 6pm - 12pm cst/-5gmt, and avail all day on the weekends if stuff changed
    Hey when do you want to play for the usum cup, i am +5 (est) and am good with pretty much anything except for tomorrow and friday evening. Maybe we can play during the weekend?
    Kec Meister
    Kec Meister
    Yikes, est weekend is not gonna work unless ur awake at ungodly hours, best bet is tomorrow then
    Kec Meister
    Kec Meister
    Actually Thursday ur time is better, I’m pretty much available all day
    My bad just saw this! I am good to go in the evening, maybe 6pm my time?
    Hi, we play in pools for USUM cup. When do you wanna go? I'm +2, I can't really do Wednesday starting 3PM my time, can't do Friday morning or evening, and would preferably not play on the weekends.
    vgc draft, i'm -4, whats your tz?
    Kec Meister
    Kec Meister
    is that EST? i can play thursday ur time at around 8pm, cant play friday to sunday unfort. Sorry for late response, I can also play tomorrow (today ur time). I'm +12
    a fairy
    a fairy
    -4 is EDT i think technically? you posted at 6am my time, for context, and im posting at around 10:40am. i can play pretty freely for the next 12 hours or so, that thursday time would be difficult for me i think but i could in theory make it work.
    a fairy
    a fairy
    if you want to play when you wake up, adding me on discord is the quickest way for me to notice things and then we can plan around what im doing in that exact moment. afairy
    hiya, when do you want to play for nd ssnl, im +5.5
    oh fuck im like half an hour late, sorry; are you still free to play?
    im assuming that you arent online; would it be possible to play sometime tmrw? what times are you free
    Kec Meister
    Kec Meister
    wait huhhh i thought u meant pm kek, message me kek if u here
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