Kid Buu
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  • anyway bro, I'll wait for you for a few hours. If we can't get it today then we'll just do it tommorow at 1-5 PM your time (GMT -5) since its thurday(weekened start for me)
    Kid Buu
    Kid Buu
    Oh, you're still on! Alright, let's play tomorrow then. I should be on around 4 PM my time. I'll be sure to contact you on irc so we can get this done.
    Can't you play now? I'm ready
    <Masterclass|AFK> has he been on irc
    <Masterclass|AFK> at all today
    <Soulgazer> n
    Kid Buu
    Kid Buu
    sorry bro :[
    Don't worry about it, lets just get it done :)
    March has arrived for me. When do you wanna fight name any day. 2-3PM your time (GMT -5)
    I told you i'll play anytime from 2-3 PM Your time (GMT -5) im not gonna play at 2 am my time sorry.
    Kid Buu
    Kid Buu
    yeah 2-3 pm, i meant 3/5 as in march 5th, sorry for not making that clear. so is that day still good for you?
    ah! ok yeah that's good. So wednesday 2-3 pm.
    You're the best! I rushed back home, can we play at 9? That gives me time to sit down, take a shower and get ready ;]
    Hey there, I'm going out for dinner a bit later than expected ( 6 pm ) which means I MIGHT be late around 40 mins-1h. But since you're going to be online from 7-10, We'll definitely play tonight in that slot. Sorry, I did everything I could but it's an important dinner.
    Hey Kid, how have you been? How about tomorrow ( Thursday ) around 8 pm ;]?
    Nice, it looks like I have dinner plans either Thursday or Friday, ( confirming by Wed ) so I'll pm you latest Wednesday a good time using the schedule of Thursday / Friday / Saturday you mentioned. Is that good ;]?.
    Hey Kid Buu, as promised, my schedule for this week is: Thursday from 2 pm till around 9 pm. ( I have a meeting during the afternoon but it's skype so I can work around that ) Friday afternoon from 2-4 pm. As we talked yesterday we're both in the same time zone, right? ( NYC and NJ ). So please let me know how's your schedule this week so we can try and book our battle ;]. Have a good week!
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