king edgy
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  • Hi we play rbtt
    Gmt+1 am pretty free this week, except tuesday
    king edgy
    king edgy
    Great, I'm (-5), so maybe we can try to play sometime mid afternoon for me? How's Wednesday around 4pm (10pm for you)? Looking forward to a fun one!
    sounds good, see you then
    hey, when do you want to play? We are same time zone. I have the most open availability on Sunday, but I could probably squeeze in the games later tonight or tomorrow if needed. Message me on discord
    hey man when is best for RBTT? I am sleeping quite early atm so weekend might be best unless you could do an afternoon/early evening on weekday. I'm GMT +0
    king edgy
    king edgy
    I'm -5, so could be a little tricky. I can do Wednesday any time after 3pm (8pm for you), though, so maybe we can shoot for then? Let me know.
    Is my 9pm Weds ok? I have a series at my 7pm so just giving a lil leeway for it to run
    king edgy
    king edgy
    yeah, that'd be great. see you later today
    Are you EL? Also, who is King Wedgy on ladder?
    king edgy
    king edgy
    Oh hey, I don't know why I never saw this post. I'm not EL, don't know who that is. Never saw King Wedgy either, but pretty great!
    hey, wcor finals, I'm gmt+10, prob prefer weekend, lmk when you're free
    king edgy
    king edgy
    nice, hope you enjoyed! friday at 9 should work for me. let me double check to see when family is arriving for the weekend and get back to you, though. any chance thursday at 9 would work as a backup just in case?
    king edgy
    king edgy
    we're all good for friday at 9. looking forward to it!
    awesome, see you then
    Wcor when, gmt+2
    king edgy
    king edgy
    This week is a little busy. Wednesday for sure any time after 4pm (-4) otherwise will have to be Saturday or Sunday for me (Saturday free all day, Sunday free until 3pm (-4))
    Let's go for Wednesday 4pm gmt-4, cya
    Hello Edgy, we have to play in wcor. I am +2 and I would like to know if there are days and times in the next three weeks when you can not play at all, so we can schedule for when it suits you best
    (Yes, I know we could schedule on ps as well but I prefer to be formaljust in case lol)
    Mmmh, maybe we can try for Friday at 11pm (23:00) my time? I might be a few minutes late in the worst case scenario but not more than that
    king edgy
    king edgy
    That should work fine for me (5pm my time). Excited to see how it goes!
    Same! See you on Friday and glhf in advance :D
    Hi, when you do want to play for WCOR tiebreak? I'm GMT+2
    king edgy
    king edgy
    Hey livid, are you free at all tomorrow? I'm pretty free from 10am to 4pm over here at -4.
    livid washed
    Tomorrow sounds good. 8pm my time, which is 2pm your time?
    king edgy
    king edgy
    Perfect, see you then. Looking forward to great battles with you as always!
    WCOR, -7, I work 8-5 monday-friday, lmk when you're available. can't play friday this week but can do nights/saturday/sunday
    wcor when can u play gmt+2, I can't play after Monday 14th
    king edgy
    king edgy
    i can play today or tomorrow if either of those work for you. i'm at gmt -4
    I heard u rejected my offer to play gen3. do u know how to play tho?
    king edgy
    king edgy
    oh yeah, i can do it ok, just not quite as good as i am with gen 1. gen 3 is the latest gen i ever played as a kid, so i know everyone in the game, just haven't mastered every move set & strategy yet.
    no time to master. it's coming up. ggwp,
    randbats when, +1
    king edgy
    king edgy
    So 4pm for me. Sounds good. Looking forward to it!
    took a look and idt you could have done anything g2, i was scared of kyogre but flail dodrio was always going to claim. g1 you just needed the wobb in on the right turn unfort :(
    king edgy
    king edgy
    i appreciate you taking a look. i was feeling pretty bad about g2 from the start, just felt kind of hopeless. thinking back, if i'd let kyogre take the flail, i might have had more of a chance. still slim, though. the only other hope was for you to mess up, but that didn't happen :)
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