Knight Sky
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  • Heya, it's time for SSNL R7. Timezone is GMT +1. I'm on dayshifts all week so I'm free either any day Tuesday onwards in the evenings when I get home or most of the day Sunday, lunchtime onwards. lmk what works
    Sup, we are opponents in the summer seasonal
    I’m EDT, how does tomorrow after 4 PM my time sound? If you wanna go later in the week I can do Friday or Saturday in the morning (before 11 AM) or after noon on Sunday
    Knight Sky
    Knight Sky
    That works, sorry for the late reply. 5pm your time sound?
    Knight Sky
    Knight Sky
    Oh also can you message me on discord whenever you're ready on discord? I'm much more active there than I am here as you can tell by my message count lol
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