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  • It's just that people say Pokemon is for kids...and I see very few "kids" why do they say so?
    Oh you're female? I should have known that lol, sorry. In that case I don't see why you CAN'T dress that way. Purple vest, black tights, doesn't look that hard lol.
    No worries, enjoy the dragontimes! Are there any other mons you would like?
    (Reposting this on your visitor messages bcause I posted this on mine first lke a derp)
    Well hurry up then, it's so much fun!
    I'm thinking of going out of the wifi then going in again. I'll brb, okay?
    No worries! Are you on the Dream World too? If you are, we should d/c and then reconnect and trade some pokemon-fodder so the game can register us as friends on the website. :D
    LOl it just happened that way, really :D
    Anywho, my friend code is 3438 8645 9713
    What days and times would be good for you? Tomorrow afternoon is cool for me. Oh, and the IVs for the baby is 29/31/14/31/25/31 :D
    I heard from Ashi that you're looking for a Monozu - I can breed you up one really quickly and send it to you tomorrow morning.
    No, I don't personally care wither way, but I don't want this guy to think that he can just take it without giving credit. This whole thing is just giving me such a headache because he's obviously read my messages to him as he's been active and I don't want to be a bitch and call a mod.
    Hey man, I'm running into some trouble about some guy stealing my sprite, so would you mind noting that I made your avatar in your sig or something. Sorry and thanks.
    I believe it had 220HP, 16 Atk, 216SDef, and 56 Spd with a careful nature. It's the same EV spread that I used with Scizor in the pre-platinum days. I was having some difficulties with opposing ScarfChomps, so I then edited it to 224HP, 60Atk, 216SDef, 8Spd, which is not far from the standard Uber trapper, and that worked okay, I guess.

    I ended up changing around my entire team though after that, so now my Scizor is the standard CBer.
    I just realized that I've been using almost that exact team on PO as what's in your sig, but with a specially bulky Scizor over Empoleon.
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